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Galaxy Evolution in Groups and Clusters at "low" redshift: theory and observations


We are planning a very interactive meeting focused on understanding and quantifying the complex interplay between galaxies and the groups and clusters they live in.


Key Subjects:
  • Galaxy transformations within groups/clusters.

  • Environmental effects on: SF, stellar morphology, gas content and structure.

  • The various forms of SF quenching.

  • Dynamical, hydro-dynamical and thermal gas stripping.

  • Galaxy-gaseous halo interactions.

  • Stellar mass assembly: BCGs, ICL and Globular Clusters

  • Multi-wavelength observations of group and cluster galaxies, with a focus on their inner structural properties.


Science Goals for the Meeting
  1. To find connections between the various observational statements and spell out, in light of the existing models and in a quantitative fashion, the physical mechanisms behind such observational results.

  2. To focus on the connections and interactions among the different cluster components: satellite galaxies, central galaxy, ICM, diffuse stars and GC. Namely, how do the properties of the ICM affect the central and satellite galaxies? Can GCs act as tracers for the potentials and of the stellar assembly history of the hosts?

  3. To focus on both the "low" redshift observations for member galaxies (so to access their structural properties), as well as on the evolution of the BCGs and the host haloes across many Gyrs.

  4. How can current cosmological simulations be utilized to better interpret the observational data? To that end, a 'hands-on' tutorial will be held on how to access and use Illustris-like cosmological simulations  to achieve this goal.

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